I was chatting with a friend recently about the course of our lives and our entrepreneurial spirits and businesses. The KEY about running a business, any business is ALIGNMENT. Your message has to be inline with who you are or else it’s just going to be a struggle and not a flow based adventure.
That is what has been happening to me and why you hear from so sporadically online and in real life.
My life is utter chaos with 4 little kids and a home based run business (or two.)
Each night when I sit down to write all of you a little message on social, blog, or email, straight from my heart…. I have NOTHING. NOTHING!!!!!
Until my recent chat. My friend asked me how on earth I was running a soul based business that was ZEN like when I live in utter kid chaos minute to minute.
And the light bulb went off. It’s all about alignment right?
So welcome. Welcome to my truth and my message.
My answer to everyone who asks “ how do you do it with 4…” is always Coffee to Cocktails. (Phrase coined my soul sister the beautiful Kelley Mickwee long ago when she came to visit me in our mess of cute babies)
The people closest to me KNOW this. I drink coffee until it’s an appropriate time to pour a glass of wine. Typically that’s around 6pm -sometimes 4, sometimes 3… not gonna lie. I’m not sitting around getting hammered. I don't have time for that. But I'm definitely drinking coffee, trying to smash down as much water as possible in between and always looking forward to my night cap while I zen the fuck out with some yoga, meditation, drawing, creating, writing etc.
In fact, my beverage schedule is the ONLY consistent schedule I’ve had for about 6 years now. Implemented because I desperately needed a schedule. It was the only thing that I could keep consistent. 6a water, 7a coffee, water water water, 3p coffee 4p water… or wine or water til 5p… or wine, 6p… wine
Life is so much clearer when it’s in alignment with who you TRULY are. I am TRULY living minute-to-minute, in messy peace, coffee to cocktails.
So whether you are reading this with a coffee, a water, or a cocktail, I say cheers! And I’m looking forward to showing up in your inbox more often.
With love and abundance in the New Year,